Lead by a fully qualified teacher and experienced support staff.
Hello! My name is Mrs Wootton and I am the Nursery Class Teacher. I would like to take the opportunity to welcome you and your family to Calverley Parkside and to say how delighted I am to be teaching our new Nursery class.
At Calverley Parkside we aim to provide a secure, friendly, stimulating, enjoyable environment where children can learn whilst having fun together, supported by an enthusiastic and professional team of staff, as shown above.
At Calverley Parkside Nursery we offer a broad and balanced Early Years curriculum using the Early Learning Goals as our starting point. This is based on three prime areas of learning, which are interconnected and support development in other areas:
In addition to these prime areas are 4 specific areas:
We aim to develop and enhance this curriculum, offering children as many learning opportunities as possible.
I am looking forward to getting to know both you and your child over the course of this year.
Mrs Wootton.