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  • Parents and Community


    PTA - FoCP

    Friends of Calverley Parkside

    All parents and guardians of pupils at Calverley Parkside Primary automatically become a member of Friends of Calverley Parkside. We hold regular meetings to discuss up and coming events where many enjoy the opportunity to meet other parents and make new friends.

    What did we do in 2018/19 academic year?

    FOCP organised a wide range of fun school and community events including a Christmas fair, valentine disco and summer fair and Calverley garage sale.

    What did we fund?

    We funded junior jam, music lessons, pantomime trip, paid towards year 6 leavers party and a trip from the Easter bunny.

    Plans for 2019/20 academic year?

    We plan to run a Halloween disco, Christmas fair, valentines/ spring disco and summer fair and for the first time have set up a new after school Lego club.

    What we will fund in 2019/20?

    Following a consultation with the whole school community including children, parents/ Carers and staff to ask for ideas for what to spend the FOCP funds on, a ballot took place enabling everyone to vote for their top choices.

    Over the next year we will be spending funds on the top four things the school community voted for .

    A top choice was providing first aid education to children but the government will hopefully be introducing this into the curriculum in 2020 - good news!

    1. iPads - we have already purchased 20 new iPads to add to the 10 the school already have - enabling every child to take part in online learning activities at the same time.

    2. Art provision
    We will be funding artists to work with every child in the school during themed weeks using fantastic new art materials and enabling them to learn new techniques

    3. school planetarium show
    We will be funding an amazing project which will bring learning about the solar system to life and benefit all children.

    We will also continue to fund the pantomime, Easter bunny visit and year 6 leavers party.
    We didn’t want our nursery children to miss out so have given £500 to a fantastic outdoor maths and literacy cupboard full of amazing  resources for the children to enjoy.

    None of this would be possible without the generosity of families and staff who donate generously through out the year and volunteer at all events. We always welcome ideas, feedback and new volunteers so please do get in touch if you can help in any way even if just for an hour or making some callsto get raffle prizes or pop into a meeting

    Get in touch by emailing

    Get involved and stay up to date through requesting to join the Facebook group Friends of Calverley Parkside

    We look forward to hearing from you

    The FOCP committee

    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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